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A customer who received bone therapy from me

here's a little-known secret in LA, and his name is Julian, also known as The Star Face-Maker. His spa is unlike any other spa I've visited. After one session, you walk out with a noticeably different face, and after ten sessions, you look like you might have had plastic surgery because you look so different—but in a good way. While the transformation could be dramatic for many, you mostly just look like the best version of yourself. And the best part is it's all natural—there are no knives, no surgeries—ever.

The human head has 29 different bones—they're not static. Depending on how we use our muscles, He tells me that the bones can shift in sometimes very noticeable ways.

he tells me that the face is a reflection of your overall health, and it is the key to knowing how your whole body is working together. After studying my face for a full five minutes, he concludes that I have a taxing job, I don't sleep enough, I have a lot of stress, I cross my left leg over my right too much, and therefore my face is a bit longer than it probably is meant to be and not symmetrical. I'm a skeptic.

I tell him that I generally have a long face and my face was never perfectly symmetrical.

he encourages me to see if I can find any photos of myself from ten years ago. I find some in an old Facebook album, and we study the picture together. Sure enough, ten years ago, my face was decidedly a bit more symmetrical… and shorter. I thought this was just gravity taking its toll, but he delivers the good news that my skin is still firm (ah, the benefits of running a beauty company!), and the elongation is from my bones shifting around, and it's not due to gravity. Some people experience bones shifting horizontally, which results in a wider face, while others have faces that can both widen and elongate over time.

he tells me that this isn't the way faces naturally evolve, but it's a direct result of poor habits and lack of health.

Using the bones as clues to improve overall health When he saw my elongated face, he knew that there was a lot of tension in my neck and shoulders. These shortened and tightened muscles pull my face bones down, making my face longer. he also knew that my hips were probably not aligned, which could also impact the way I walk and the burden I'm putting on my joints. And with tension all over, he also concluded that I likely don't have optimal circulation, which also results in reduced radiance.

[The Treatment]

Price: $150 for 1 hours. $250 for 2hr. Recommendation: 10 to 20 times, 2 times per week Results: Improved health, which then, in turn, results in a more stunning facial structure (often times a smaller and more sculpted face). Technique used: His own expert hybrid techniques—a mixture of a fascia massage, craniosacral therapy, acupressure, bone adjustment(massage style), and what I can only describe as using the knuckles to knead muscles and bones.

Purpose of his techniques: 90% of the treatment is focused on root causes and 10% is focused on adjustments. So, for example, he'll work various acupressure points to relieve tension, which tightens my muscles, thus pulling my face down. he'll also manually push my facial bones up and in to reset to where they normally sit.

[What Went Down]

I was treated by his twice. I didn't go two weeks in a row, but I went six months apart. Interestingly, when I ask her if results are temporary, he says that that's not the right question. As long as I keep good habits and know how to manage stress to have less tension in my neck and shoulders, the facial bones should not shift downward again. So all treatments produce incremental results versus fixing things that then reverse back to how it used to be pre-treatment.

a lot of knuckle-kneading and grabbing parts of my head with the whole hand and sort of manually shifting things around. This part felt relaxing and not painful at all. Apparently, this is to again focus on tense muscles, and also see how the bones are positioned, which gives more clues to the bad habits I've cultivated over the years. No pain, all pleasure!

[The Results]

After the first treatment, I noticed five remarkable things: 1. My elongated face was shorter—more than face length, though, I just looked more like myself in my 20s; 2. My skin was so radiant, I felt like I could glow in the dark; 3. My face looked symmetrical; 4. I had a stronger stomach (no indigestion, no matter what I ate, for the next couple months); and 5. Much, much more energy.

I loved the results so much that despite the 90 minutes of mild to severe pain, I signed up for more. Treatment number two yielded much of the same results, but in a more dramatic way because all of the results build on each other.

What I loved best is how he pointed out that he's not in the business of making someone look prettier by trying to make someone have this ideal face shape (even if on television he does focus more on the aesthetic results, like having a slimmer face). Rather, his goal is to help people look how they should when your body and bones are aligned the way they are intended to. he was simply returning me to my most natural and harmonious state—and that ended up being the prettiest version of myself. After around ten treatments, when bodies align back to their most natural and healthy state, faces can look dramatically different. Her mantra is a healthy body results in your most beautiful face.

My husband was with me in LA a, and he was treated by her, too. He didn't see results that were as dramatic as mine, but he noted that overall he felt more energy and stood a bit straighter.

[What You Can Do at Home]

I asked him what I could do at home to keep this structural bliss—here are three helpful and easy tips:

Take the palm of your hand and press down hard on your cheekbones and massage. This will keep your facial muscles loose and prevent them from hardening and tightening in a way that moves your face bones around. This can help slim down a face that widened from muscle strain. Squeeze the joints around your fingers (both the top and middle joint), press hard, and roll fingers around the joint as you squeeze them. This keeps the muscles throughout the body loose and relaxed, which also helps prevent your muscles from pulling bones in unnatural ways. Take your index fingers, find the little bone that's right in front of your ear, and rub that intensely for about two minutes. This is supposed to relax the muscles that can cause wrinkling around the eyes.

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